Entries by admin

Expand Your Logging Capabilities with Airside13 ✈️

If you already have an on-airfield logging solution, consider enhancing your setup with Airside13 — our cost-effective option tailored specifically for off-airfield logging. Already in use by consultants at major airports like Heathrow, Gatwick, London City, Birmingham, and Edinburgh, Airside13 is a powerful add-on to your existing system, delivering comprehensive coverage and enhanced operational efficiency […]

Logging App gets a Makeover

You may not have heard from us for a while as we’ve been busy updating the look and feel on the Android Logging App. Our workhorse App hasn’t changed much since it was launched 8 years ago and as we’ve added features to the system over the years, it’s starting to struggle, especially on smaller […]

The Multimethod update – for when one just isn’t enough

This week sees the release of our Multi Method update. If you’re using the Android App, get the latest version to make sure you already have it. For the web app, its coming shortly. You can now add more than one method to a single log, useful for those instances where the first thing you […]

Photo Logging Success

The new photo capture function in our logging Apps is working really well with lots of good captures appearing. There are some lovely snowy ones from last week, although it looks like it was pretty chilly out there. Great job, guys.

Now with Pictures!

We’re pleased to announce that you can now take photos from your logging device and include them in any wildlife log. The latest version of the App has a new photo button so things like visual evidence of wildlife strikes can be attached to logs quickly and easily. This work was a direct result of […]

Stay Connected

The days of closed systems are done. Any product that gathers data should be able to communicate that data to anywhere it might be needed, now or in the future, and preferably without any manual intervention. As we move forward, products being able to swap data in this way will be able to contribute to […]

Custom Form Delivery

One of our customers recently requested a change to how they logged Swans. There were areas of the airfield where Mute and Whooper Swans were occasionally seen but as taking any control action was not permitted, they still wanted to log that the Swans were there. Also and more importantly, they wanted to ensure that […]

Flexible Area Reporting

Every airport is different, so when it comes to log position, we’ve had to work pretty hard to make Airside Logging work for everyone. Some airfields already have predefined areas which makes it easy for us. Operators can pick an area from a list or we can show an overhead map and allow a tap […]

Online or Offline, seamless brings savings

Good wifi coverage is rare on an aerodrome. Any managed system developed for one ideally needs to work both online and offline. Our logging app doesn’t require a constant connection to the internet to operate normally. Logs will be stored automatically on the device and sent later, when you’re back in range of Wifi, at […]

February – Our Best Month Ever

February is upon us and Airside is off to a great year. We’re excited to announce that it’s our best month so far for new sign-ups. 6 new airfields have come on line, our monthly record so far, and we’re grateful to all of them for choosing our system.