Airside System Connectivity

Airside Wildlife Logging is designed from the ground up as a connected, integrated system that can be easily adopted into an existing wildlife management strategy.

Logging Devices

Logs are entered from any number of low cost devices: tablets or smartphones, and are sent securely to our cloud datastore where they immediately become available for inspection and analysis.

If the devices are 3G-enabled or if there is good wifi across the airfield, logs will be sent in real time. If not, logs will be automatically queued until the device comes in range of wifi, at the end of shift or day perhaps, at which point they’ll be sent.

Airside Connectivity Diagram

Web Portal

The Web Portal is accessible from any internet connected computer and allows you to generate your reports, maps and downloads simply and easily from the logs stored in the cloud.  If you work with other parties, you can choose to allow them portal access too. If they may log as part of the services they provide, perhaps 13km work, this can also be done straight into the system and you’re then able to inspect and analyse the data.


The system is flexible by design and our expertise in the data arena means we can integrate well with existing or legacy systems you may have. Every case is different so please ask our experts.


If your logs are being stored or moved around on memory sticks or you’re logging on paper, please get in touch and see how much easier and more flexible, reliable and managable your wildlife logging could be.